31953: ECC 26.2 Crobeag, Toa


ENCLOSURE (Post Medieval – 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
STACK YARD (Post Medieval – 1540 AD to 1900 AD)
Stack yard enclosure


NB 3893 2095

Full description:

"Situated on the north facing slopes above the north-eastern shore of the Toa promontory the remains of this enclosure measure 52 x 50 metres and run down slope (from south to north) from blackhouse (26.1). It is formed of two parallel drystone walls 1.5 metres wide and standing to a height of 0.5 metres, but there is no surviving evidence on the north side for a wall linking the two main structures together to form a true enclosure. Between the two extant walls there is no sign of formal cultivation, however, there is extensive evidence that small boulders and stones have been cleared onto the line of the two walls suggesting that cultivation may have taken place between them – this may have occurred with the use of a plough turning low rigs that leave no surviving remains. Several small and indistinct sub walls can be seen on the east side of the eastern wall; these run off at 45 degrees (north-easterly) from the main wall for a maximum of 15 metres." (Burgess 2004, 102)


Chris Burgess, Northamptonshire Archaeology. 2004. Northamptonshire Archaeology Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of Eilean Chalium Chille and the Putative Site of the Seaforth Head Castle. Part No Loch Seaforth Head Gazeteer.


Information provided by Western Isles Council Sites & Monuments Record, January 2006.

Record Location

Record Type:
Historical or Archaeological Site
Type Of Site:
Enclosure; Stack Yard
Crofting (1850-1950 AD); Post-Medieval (1540-1900 AD)
SMRRecord ID:
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