66612: Deposition of Donald Macleod (Lewis/Harris boundary dispute) 1850

The testimony of Donald Macleod, Valtos at the second hearing of the Lewis/Harris boundary dispute

At Stornoway, the 16th day of August 1850.

Compeared Donald M’Leod, a witness for the pursuer, who being sworn and interrogated, depones, That he lives at Valtas, in Uig, which is Lewis: That he is fifty-two years of age: That he remembers of one John Mackay coming to his father’s house in Valtas, and stopping a night, about twenty-eight years ago. This John Mackay was then an old man, upwards of eighty years of age: That Mackay then resided in Gisla, In Uig, and had previously resided in Kenlochresort: That there was an old woman of the name of Catherine M’Lean in his father’s house on the occasion referred to: That he heard some conversation between Mackay and that woman about the marches: That the woman said that she knew the marches, and Mackay said she did not know them so well as he did. The woman said she knew where the stone was in the march, and Mackay said the stone had been taken away from the place where it was: That it had been put in a stocking, and a man carried it over his shoulder, and threw it into Loch Chrystle: That Mackay was asked who did that, and he answered, I’ll be coffined before you will find that out.

Interrogated for the Defender. – Depones, That Mackay did not say when this had been done, or why it had been done: That the woman M’Lean was a Lewis woman: That Mackay described the march as coming from Braidh-an-fhia-clachan and Loch Chrystle, and the water from Loch Chrystle to Loch Resort: That Mackay did not say that the stone that had been carried away was on the line of march.

Reinterrogated for the Pursuer. – That Mackay did not state any reason for putting the stone in the stocking, but his own idea was that it was to hide it. Depones, That he cannot write.

Record Type:
Story, Report or Tradition
16 Aug 1850
Type Of Story Report Tradition:
Testimony Or Evidence
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