116938: 2 Tong

2 Thunga

The first tenant of this croft was Malcolm Smith (1760-1845) from Laxay, Lochs. He lived on his brother's croft at 7 Tong before he obtained 2 Tong. Upon the death of Malcolm the croft was passed to his son, Roderick Smith (1819-1885) and then to Roderick's widow, Margaret Macdonald from Sandwick. When Margaret died the croft went to her son-in-law Malcolm Macleod (born 1907) from Coll. Malcolm passed 2 Tong to his daughter, Christina Macleod and on her death in 1976 the croft went to Roderick Thomson.

Record Location

Record Type:
Croft or Residence
Type Of Residence:
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