790: Barraglom, Lewis

Barraglom is located in Bernera, Isle of Lewis. From Placenames of Lewis and Harris by Donald Maciver F.E.I.S.

Barragloum: borgar. gen. of borg, fort or hill; Glomma, Sc.,dark; ruins of an old fort near the pier here

Although now part of Hacklete, Ballaglom has a separate history. It was once much larger than it is now, stretching across to Dun Innes. It was cleared at the same time as Hacklete. On croft No 2 there is a pile of stones which was once a Dun. Before the Bernera Bridge was built it was from here that the small ferry boat brought people and necessaries to and fro, including the cattle when the young girls took the stock to the shielings on the moor while crops were growing at home.

The four crofts in Ballaglom at the present time are actually Nos 1 to 4 Hacklete. The families in Barraglom lived in the following crofts:

Macaulay: crofts 1, 4

Martin: 2

Morrison: 3

Macinnes: 3

Macdonald: 2, 3


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Ballaglom; Barragloum
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