66618: Deposition of John Macleod (Lewis/Harris boundary dispute) 1850

The testimony of John Macleod at the second hearing of the Lewis/Harris boundary dispute.

At Stornoway, the 16th day of August 1850.

Compeared John M’Leod, a witness for the defender, who being sworn, depones, That he is sixty-seven years of age, and resides in Balallan, in the parish of Lochs: That he is a grandson of Murdoch Mackenzie, who resided at Kirkibost: That when he was a boy about eight or nine years of age, he used to be with his said grandfather in summer at Arigh-bruoch-vriden: That he has heard from his grandfather repeatedly what was the march at that part: That he does not know how long it is since his grandfather died, but thinks it is about thirty years, and he was then about eighty: That the march his grandfather told him was, as the water runs out through Glenveckadale, and as the water runs down to Loch Resort, and by Braidh-an-fhia-clachan: That the deponent was for some time at Chlair-beg as herd of Angus M’Ivor at Lindol; That at that time John M’Kay occupied the shealing at Toute-a-Choinach: That he has no knowledge of any Harris person having a shealing or grazing on the Lewis side of the march he has described, but the cattle of each party would sometimes be going across the march, and when they did so they were turned back: That so long as his cattle were on his own side of the march, they were not molested by the Harris people.

Interrogated for the Pursuer. – Depones, That he has heard that a Harris man took off a divot from the shealing at Chalir-beg, but that, after having done so, he ate and drank with the Lewis people in the shealing: That he understood the reason of turning off the divot was, that the shealing was on the Harris side of the burn, or part of the burn: That he heard that the Harris people claimed a march by Eeuntom and Claichantoppan; That he has heard of that ever since he recollects of anything; That he has heard that there was a particular stone at Eeuntom, and that there was some writing on it, but not proper writing; That it was done with a nail: That he heard that John MacKay had put the stone amissing; That he had taken it to Stornoway, and that some people had said he had never replaced it in its former position, but had put it in some loch; some said Loch Chrystle, and some said Loch-a-teine.

Re-interrogated for the Defender. – Depones, That it is only about a year since he heard that the writing was done with a nail, but he has always heard that no one could read the inscription. Depones, He cannot write.

Record Type:
Story, Report or Tradition
16 Aug 1850
Type Of Story Report Tradition:
Testimony Or Evidence
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